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Get cold and flu relief responsibly

Discover tips for using medicines responsibly and home remedies

Relief from Cold and Flu Symptoms

There are other things that may help your cold or flu symptoms, including natural treatments, lots of fluids, and rest.

Natural Relief Options

Try natural treatments

Gargling with warm, salt water is a natural way to help soothe your sore throat. Vitamins can help maintain health.

Drink Extra Fluids

Drink extra fluids

Extra fluids such as water and juices can help thin mucus and relieve your stuffy nose. Hot drinks like herbal tea and broth can soothe your throat and may help relieve congestion.

Take it Easy

Take it easy

If you push yourself too hard when you’re sick, you may make it harder for your body to recover. It’s best for you and those around you to stay home, rest, and recover.

Avoid Tobacco & Alcohol

Avoid tobacco and alcohol

Smoking makes it harder to fight off a cold. Alcohol can make you dehydrated, which can make congestion worse.

Call a Doctor if Symptoms Persist

Talk to your healthcare professional if you don’t get better

If your symptoms persist or get worse, call your healthcare professional.